Helping your little ones become the very BEST LITTLE SLEEPER
If your child is not sleeping as well as you'd like (or need), let Best Little Sleeper help you and your family. I am passionate about baby sleep because I've seen firsthand the benefits it has for the baby/child and the rest of the family. Each baby's needs are unique and a sleep plan should be customized. Most importantly, having that 1 on 1 support to lean on during the process is huge. It's stressful and tiring. Having a partner in your child's sleep journey will make the whole process go much smoother.

Areas of Support
Create good sleep habits from the start and build confidence around how to help your baby sleep better and love sleep.
Our support here is geared towards expecting parents and those with a newborn (<3 months)..
Everything we do for newborns is truly NOT sleep training. Just laying a good foundation, with no crying.
This area covers support for babies ~12 weeks to 18 months.
Teach your baby how to sleep through the night and lengthen naps. We will customize a plan that works for YOUR family, that is age-appropriate and flexible. We will teach skills like falling asleep independently, removing sleep props, self-soothing, and more! Throughout the first year of life, there are so many changes month to month with a baby's sleep needs and schedule. Let us help you along the way!
In toddlers, sleep is necessary for memory consolidation, attention, and motor skill development.
Best Little Sleeper can help adjust and improve sleep for toddlers during these key (and challenging) years. Let us help you remove sleep battles and help your child learn to love sleep.
Toddler sleep support is for ages 19 months - 5 years to help with issues around bedtime stalling, dropping naps, nighttime wakeups, early morning wakings, and more.